Renters Insurance with Roommates: What You Need to Know

Sharing a rented apartment or house with roommates can pose challenges when determining responsibilities. Renter’s insurance is one such issue. You might wonder if all roommates need individual policies or if a collective one would suffice. At Collum Insurance Group LLC, we’re committed to helping renters in Richardson, TX understand their insurance needs. Let’s explore what you need to know about renter’s insurance to ensure you’re well covered.

Are All Roommates Required to Have Renter’s Insurance?

It’s advisable for each roommate to have their own renter’s insurance policy. Some landlords require individual policies for each tenant, while others leave it to the tenants’ discretion. If you haven’t already, it’s wise to discuss with your roommates the possibility of purchasing renter’s insurance to cover their possessions.

Individual Vs. Shared Items

A common misunderstanding is that renter’s insurance isn’t essential if shared items in your home, such as furniture and TVs, are not yours. But remember, renter’s insurance isn’t limited to expensive items only. It also covers personal items, clothing, jewelry, and electronics, among others. Your insurance agent can help you decide on an adequate coverage level that suits your needs.

Collum Insurance Group LLC: Proudly Serving Richardson, TX Renters

At Collum Insurance Group LLC, our team of skilled insurance agents takes great pride in serving the Richardson, TX community. Whether you’re a renter needing to understand your insurance requirements or an individual planning to buy a home and looking for home insurance, we’re here for you. Contact our team or drop by our office today to speak with an agent and learn more.

Should All Roommates Hold Their Own Renter’s Insurance Policy?

At Collum Insurance Group LLC in Richardson, TX, we help renters and homeowners navigate insurance coverage and policies. Some of our clients are renters who live with roommates. For these folks, a common question that comes up is whether all roommates in a household should have their own renter’s insurance. While you may be tempted to save some money by having a renter’s insurance policy for the household, there are some key benefits to reconsidering this idea.

Should All Roommates Hold Their Own Renter’s Insurance Policy?

If you are renting a house or apartment with roommates, it would most likely be in your best interest for all roommates to hold their own policy. This is important for several reasons. First of all, if you are all on the same rental insurance policy, you will all be responsible for claims filed on the policy. Even if you don’t room with these housemates again, you’ll have this claim on your record for seven years. This can drive your premiums higher when you get your next renter’s insurance policy. 

When you are rooming with someone you don’t know well, it’s crucial to have your own renter’s insurance policy. Otherwise, you might end up uninsured if your roommate doesn’t prioritize the renter’s insurance payments. Having your own renter’s insurance policy also allows you to choose the policy that works best for your needs. The only situation in which it might make more sense to share a renter’s insurance policy is if you and your roommate are in it for the long haul and you share valuable furniture items.

To see how we can help you and your roommate(s) get the renter’s insurance you need, call our office at Collum Insurance Group LLC in Richardson, TX today!

How Can I Save On My Renters Insurance Policy?

When shopping for a renters insurance policy, read the fine print and talk to a licensed agent to ensure the policy meets your needs. Many policies have a cancellation window, so you can get a prorated refund if you have to cancel due to an unforeseen circumstance. 

Make sure to keep all your receipts, document the value of your belongings, and purchase insurance from a reputable company. Renters insurance is a crucial requirement if you rent, but it doesn’t have to cost a fortune. Shop for the best rate, and consider increasing your coverage to protect more of your assets. For expert advice, Collum Insurance Group LLC in Richardson, TX is here to help. 

Add a Safety Deposit 

By adding a renters insurance policy to your existing homeowner’s policy, you can protect your personal belongings if they’re ever stolen, damaged, or destroyed due to a covered risk. If something is ever stolen or destroyed, you need proof it was a valuable item. 

Also, get a rider to your policy if you have expensive valuables, such as expensive artwork, jewelry, or sports equipment. Many policies will provide a discount or waive the pet fee. 

An important rule to remember when purchasing a renters insurance policy is that you can’t add it to your current policy. You must have separate insurance coverage for renters. 

Contact Us Today

A renter’s insurance policy is an excellent way to protect your belongings in a disaster or theft. You may get cover for securing your valuables in a safety deposit box, and you can take steps to protect your valuables from disaster. 

You can also talk with your insurance provider about adding a rider for valuables, such as precious metals or antiques, to your policy to get enhanced coverage. 

Consider getting coverage for certain types of art and other collectibles up to a certain value. You may also want to consider getting a floater policy that provides additional coverage for your valuables. Give us a call and let Collum Insurance Group LLC serving the greater Richardson, TX community help you.

Renters insurance FAQs

In Richardson, TX, 37% of residents are renters. In the entire country, only about 40% of renters have renters insurance. That means 60% of renters are feeling really lucky. A lot of them will be wrong about their luck. At Collum Insurance Group LLC in Richardson, TX, we are dedicated to providing our customers with high-quality insurance products and personalized service. As independent agents, we can offer more choices when it comes to carriers and products. 

Doesn’t my landlord have insurance?

Most landlords want to protect their property, so yes, they will have insurance. That insurance is property coverage to protect their building. If you are counting on them to protect your personal possession, don’t! Their insurance is on their building, not on your possessions. It would be best if you had renters insurance to protect yourself.

Will renters insurance protect my personal items when I am away from home? 

Part of renters insurance coverage is personal property. Your personal property is yours whether you are at home or traveling. If your renter’s policy has property overage, which most plans typically do, then your property will be covered no matter where you are. 

Is my dog covered on my renter’s insurance?

Renters insurance does cover damage caused by your dog and a dog bite unless the breed of your dog is one of those that are excluded. If you are going to have a dog, you should check with your insurance agent to make sure you are covered. 

What protection does renter insurance offer?

A renters policy provides several types of coverage:

  • Personal property– Your personal property is covered against loss from several types of hazards. Among them is theft. 
  • Liability– This protects from legal action against you from someone who is injured while visiting you. 
  • Loss of use– If your rental is damaged, you will get the funds you need to have a place to stay while your rental is repaired. 

Contact Collum Insurance Group LLC in Richardson, TX, for your renter’s insurance needs.